Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Project Life- A week in October and Week 2of 2012-

The Mom Creative
Today I am going to show you one of my weeks from October 2011. I still have to work on finishing a lot of my 2011 album, but I enjoy doing it so I work on it while keeping up with this current year.

Here is the week of October 10-18, 2011:

 This is what a normal week looks like for me. You can click on it to enlarge the picture. I had doctor's appointments and Coffee Delivery for my Keurig (love that thing), dog's both chewing on one bone under the table, Megan praying dress up with Simba and we made Witches Fingers for the first time. This year I hope to get a bit more scrappy with my weeks, but if I don't that's okay too.

Week two of 2012:

Megan riding horse's and a picture of the farm she rides at.  We also had a Birthday party, I had lunch with a friend and we picked paint colors for two rooms in the house.

Here is an up close of the left side:

Here's up close of the right side:

This being my third year doing this I still love it.



The Wallace Family said...

Oh I love the screen shot of the text message. What a cute idea:) Your pages look great!

Julie said...

Love your weather & text screen shots. So cool!